To Baby with Love

I was responsible to plan the exercise for my writers group this month. I created prompts inspired by the things I blog about.

One of the ladies chose, “Write a letter to an unborn baby.” Although, at first, she was reluctant to do so, the resulting letter was beautiful. I asked her to email it to me so I could post it here. Hopefully, she’ll be able to do so tomorrow.

Until then, why don’t you do the same?

Writing a letter to your unborn baby will help you bond. There’s lots of talk these days about the importance of pre-birth bonding.

The baby becomes more real to you if you write him or her a letter.

You can list your hopes and dreams, assure the wee one of your love, and/or express your concerns about what kind of a mom/dad/brother/sister/aunt/uncle…you’ll be. (Letter writing isn’t restricted to just the expectant mom.)

It doesn’t have to be a traditional letter. It can be a poem or a song. How about creating a one-of-a-kind picture book? Even if you can’t draw, go for it. It’s likely it will be a cherished treasure for years to come.

If you love to take pictures, create a special album – with or without words.

Love scrapbooking? Well, in that case, you’ve probably already begun to get a book together, but if not, make today the day.

The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.

Have any other suggestions? I’d love to hear them. And you just might inspire someone who doesn’t consider him-/herself particularly creative.

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